5 W's of Acting

For an actor it is important to know about 5W’s. It helps in understanding a script and act accordingly.

5W’s :-


These 5 helps to build a character in all aspects.

WHO :- Who are you in the story. Ex. A father, Brother, Police, Theif, Doctor, etc.

WHAT :- Conflict of the story, what is happening.

WHEN :- Timing of the scene, it’s day, period, season.

WHERE :- Location of the scene. Ex. in open area, in house, hotel, school, war field, market, hilly area.

WHY :- Motive of the story, why a actor is getting angry/showing love to his/her co-actor in the scene.

All the above are connected to each other than an actor can build a character easily by revealing all 5W’s.

So, To explore all 5W’s visit :- https://www.filmitacademy.com/acting-course.php

To join “Acting Workshop” on weekends Also visit :-

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