Aspirants come to Mumbai to be an Actor, Director, Film Editor, Photographer and to make his own identity in “Bollywood Industry“.

So first you have to attend different workshop or classes according to your interest like acting, direction, film editing, film making.

entry in bollywood - BizLekh

After workshop or class you go in search for work. You fail to get work and get demotivated. If you get work than the problems arise that you will not get paid for work in starting. So many of them reject the work. Never expect so much.

If you are an actor and get paid very less amount in starting than don’t get tensed, just focus on work. After some notable work you will get paid a good amount of money.

Entry in Bollywood 2

For directions students or film making students if you want to work in TV serials and Films than first you have to work as intern under AD and the senior editors. After some work if you impress them than you will get paid. So always focus on work not money.

You can also start your career with short films and documentary with your pocket money.

So “JUST WORK” this industry will always give your fruit for your talent and hard work. Never get demotivated after some failures. “Believe in your AIM”. Success will be in your hand one day. Just Keep Going.

1 thought on “Entry in Bollywood”

  1. Pingback: How to make career in Film Industry? - Biz Lekh how

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