Film making

To make career in Film Making you must know about of pre production and post production. Because these are important terms which is necessary for film making. So first learn the theory and basic practical of film making by attending an institute.

There are two categories in film making.

  • Pre-production
  • Post-production

Pre-production :-

All the planning before camera rolls and sets the overall vision of the project.

  • Shoot Location.
  • Prop and costume identification and preparation.
  • Special effects identification and preparation.
  • Production schedule.
  • Set construction.
  • Script-locking.
  • Script read-through with cast and director.

Post-production :-

After completion of shoots post-production starts.

  • Assembling of footage.
  • Color correction.
  • Visual effects.
  • Music & sound effects.
  • Video Editing.

Therefore to learn film making visit filmit academy bizlekh.

1 thought on “How to make career in Film Making?”

  1. Pingback: Basic Cinematic Lighting Techniques - Biz Lekh

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