Open Mic

First of all you need to know what is OpenMic. An event which is organized by a group of people to give platform to perform. In this a person can perform at what he is good. So that one can show his/her talent to world.

There are different event occurs in OpenMic :-

Poetry :- If you write poem in any language and you want to recite infront of public than openmic is best platform to showcase your talent.

Karoke Singing :- If you are good at singing at want perform than OpenMic gives you a platform.

Stanup Comedy :- In this you can write a script on any topic with different puchnes in middle. Any you can perform in openmic event.

Story Telling :- If you have a good story and you are a good narrator than you can attract people with your story in OpenMic.

Gags :- In gags 2-3 people perform together. They take any topic and perform and make people laugh.

Monologue :- Prepare a dialogue in which you perform as a character alone with dialogue.

Instrument Performance :- Are you good at playing any instruments? Than you can mesmerize people with your performance.

To overcome with your stage fright:-

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