Voice Training

Your voice is an important part of your personality. Every word be at peace, It’s you who give the pace. So always try to speak at ease with audible sound. If you don’t speak clearly, than you will be like animal, Speaking but others can’t understand. Throw of voice reflects your nature/ behaviour. There are …

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A great platform : YOUTUBE

In today’s scenario world are widely active on social media.Where people show their talent. Apart from film & television, “YOUTUBE” is great platform for newcomers. If you are creative and have different ideas, than start to share your ideas to the world through YouTube. It is not necessary that you need to have a costly …

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Audition Link for Actors

For an actor an audition link is important part of their life. Before going for any audition, it is good to create an audition link. What is “Audition Link“??????? To self record a video with a monologue or a short scene of a movie, prepare a monologue close to your age. Wear a neutral clothes, …

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NAVARASA of acting

“NAVARASA” signifies nine Emotions of a human being, which is important for an actor to know. So, that according to demand of script you can show your emotions during act. NAVARASA :- Karuna, Shringar, Veer, Hasya, Raudra, Bhayanka, Vibhatsa, Adbhut, Shaanti Here are the explanation SHRINGAR :- Love/Beauty; Color:- Light Green. HASYA:- Comedy/Laughter/Humor; Color:- White. …

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5 W’s of acting

For an actor it is important to know about 5W’s. It helps in understanding a script and act accordingly. 5W’s :- WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY These 5 helps to build a character in all aspects. WHO :- Who are you in the story. Ex. A father, Brother, Police, Theif, Doctor, etc. WHAT :- Conflict …

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Be an Actor

First step to be an actor is to “JUST ACT“. It is needed to know Basics of acting. So it is necessary to attend a aching workshop or class. Newcomers get confuse with high price and low price workshop. Some get trapped in high price workshops with guarantee to get work after completion of course. …

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Be a Film Director

Film Direction Course Director is a like “CREATOR” of a film which gives colour to a blank screen. Who creates a story and bring I’m form of scenes. Behind the scenes of any film there are no. of people worked on. But the Director who imagine a scene make a story than screenplay and at …

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Film Editing

Film editing has an important role for any movie. The job is to join together the various shots into a scene. It is also known as “The lnvisible Art”. After completion of shooting of a film, the clips are like puzzle. And a film editor arrange those clips in such way that it comes on …

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Film Direction Course

Learning Film Direction is about the passion you have for cinema and you are willing to make your own film. Maybe you have a story to tell or you have the vision to share. But before that you have to go through a process of learning cinema, learning the industry, learning all the elements of …

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